Regain the Memories in The Longest Five Minutes, The Longest Five Minutes, The Longest Five Minutes Nintendo Switch, The Longest Five Minutes US, The Longest Five Minutes Australia, The Longest Five Minutes Europe, The Longest Five Minutes gameplay, The Longest Five Minutes features, The Longest Five Minutes release date, The Longest Five Minutes price

Regain the Memories in The Longest Five Minutes

Nintendo™ Switch – US, EU & AU – PRE-ORDER NOW!


Hi Nintendo Switch users! Here’s another RPG is coming to your consoles this February 2018. NIS America releases The Longest Five Minutes, and it’s available in the continents of America, Europe, and Australia. What are you waiting for? Pre-order now!


The Longest Five Minutes (Nintendo™ Switch, US) US$ 39.99 pre
The Longest Five Minutes (Nintendo™ Switch, EUR) US$ 49.99 pre
The Longest Five Minutes (Nintendo™ Switch, Australia) US$ 39.99 pre

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They’re proof that you lived. Our humanity comes from our memories of other people.”  – via Trailer of the Game


Memories are important to our lives. It remembers our happiness, sadness, melancholy, bitterness, and other emotions. Without these memories, we cannot understand the true value of human life. Only humans can possess this kind of phenomenon which is called “Memories.” The protagonist of the game, Flash, loses his memory during the battle between the Demon King.


The moment you start playing the game, It enters the final boss which is the Demon King. However, Flash loses his memories. From his finishing moves, his hometown, and even the reason why he wants to defeat the Demon King. The battle between the evil will advance by the choices you make. In 5 minutes, the Demon King wins, and his agenda of reigning the world is fulfilled.


Every choice you made in this game can make a big difference. If you perform well during Flash’s flashback, the re-experience level will gradually increase. The 16 bit and the retro style of music take you to the world of classic gaming. It’s really a visit from the memory lane to gamers out there.


Are you ready to help Flash to regain his memory and fight against the Demon King?




  • Your Memories Shape the Present – The choices you make in your memories will affect the story in the present Change the outcome based on how YOU remember things from flashbacks!
  • A Heartwarming Tale of Bravery – Light-hearted comedy and heartfelt storytelling intermingle in a send-up to the bests in this modern classic
  • A Love Letter to Classic RPGs – From the 16-bit style to the retro-inspired music, this is a game made by fans of RPGs of yore to fans both young and old



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