The Occupation: The Real-Time Narrative Thriller is Coming this October 9th

The Occupation, SOld Out, PS4, XONE, US, Europe, Australia, gameplay, features, release date, price, trailer, screenshots

The Occupation

PlayStation 4™ & Xbox One™ – US, EU & AU


The creators of Ether One is back with a promising upcoming video game title. The Occupation is a single-player video game developed by White Paper Games and published by Sold Out. Let’s welcome the month full of thrilling and mysterious feelings for your PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this 9th of October for North America, Europe, and Australia.

Here at Playasia, The Occupation is available for pre-order. Unravel the mystery of 1987 in North West England, Western regions. Click the button below to pre-order yours now!

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The game’s setting is on October 24th, 1987 in North West England. This is the time when 80s British pop, grand architecture, and political unrest emerge. A sudden explosion has triggered a controversial act which it threatens to erode civil liberties of the population in North West England. Your role as a reporter and your mission is to invest and question the people around you based on their actions from a violent night which results in the loss of numerous lives.

The time is ticking. How will you solve this thrilling case? Will you take the straightforward route where you are at risk in getting caught or plan your approach in a careful manner? Make your decisions based on the evidence. You are the reporter and will decide the narrative.

This game is politically driven themes where it highlights the shades of grey people believe to be hard facts. It might pressure you because of the events happen in real-time and forces you to choose between the careful and methodical or direct and disruptive approach. You have the freedom to explore where you enter the world of rich British architectural buildings with mature themes. Remember, this is a complex narrative that full of truths, lies, and accidents.



  • A high-tech watch with an alarm and timer for remembering those important meetings
  • A fully interactive briefcase inventory to store anything you think might be pertinent to your investigation
  • A pager that can display up to 12 characters on the screen – Perfect for delivering your current objectives
  • Threads of the people that work and live in this world. Relive some of people’s last actions
  • Each person in the world has a routine to follow so that you can plan your approach. Be careful though as an unexpected toilet or smoke break may foil even the best laid plans
  • Non-linear environments with objectives designed to be approached from multiple angles to allow for different play styles
  • Over 3 hours of original music from 80’s Brit-pop, classical concertos and acoustic ballads


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