
Bubblegame Crisis – Konya wa Hurricane!

Battle Angel Alita in 1993, Armitage III in 1995, Ghost in the Shell in 1995, and Chobits in 2000; these four visual opuses are probably the best examples of Japanese cyberpunk. Influenced by the...

Nekopara… in moe we trust!

Cats, rabbits, foxes, wolves, horses… if you are a fan of manga and anime series, you will surely hear the word Kemonomimi. Composed of Kemono (獣- animal) +‎ Mimi(耳- ear); this is a specific...

… and now something extremely Bizarre!

Fashion, poses, characters… since 1987 the legendary series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure brings a fresh Vento Aureo of change in the world of Japanese pop culture! Started in the well-known magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump; it...